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Your source for grass fed, grass finished, and pasture raised beef.

Thanks for visiting our new website, still under construction.

Our mission is to help those of you growing healthful, natural, "old school" beef to market that beef to the widest possible group of customers.  We want to assist you in getting that premium currently going to a small segment of the industry.

We think the U.S.A. produces the best beef in the world.  We just think that some of it is a cut above.  Our goal is to help you get those top end market prices currently being paid for bison and pasture oriented beef.

Think of how pork has changed over the last 50 or so years.  Instead of large, lard-producing animals, swine have become "lean and mean."  We anticipate beef going that way, too.  Whether consumers want more choice regarding grades of beef, more certainty over the source of their meat, or have environmental/ethical issues regarding the production of their food sources, we want you to be in a position to benefit from these issues.  Not sure it is going to go that way?  Remember the '80's - health food stores were something you visited when you went to "freaky college towns."  While not yet mainstream, at least one of these stores is present in most metro areas.  In our home town of Denver, Colorado, a quick search locates a dozen of just one chain.  In Columbus, Ohio, where we will open a second office, there are two stores listed.

How to use our website?  

We expect to be fully functional by the end of February.  To be part of the initial site, go to our guestbook page and leave your contact information.  The first 50 to do so will receive their first year of membership free.

Take a look at our "pasture raised" page.  This is an approximate layout of what our pages will look like.  You'll get the option to post a graphic/photo, a brief description of your offerings, and a link to your website.
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